Tuesday 20 November 2007

Mary Bell

Blog # 2

Mary Bell

Mary Bell, is an extremely infamous women who as a ch id killed two young boys. This was one of the first times that this sort of behaviour had been detected in a little girl. This scared many people into believing that she had some how developed evil within her soul. At the tender age of eleven Mary Bell was found guilty of the brutal and utterly shocking crimes that she performed. She was the youngest female killer in the UK. Originally from Newcastle, Mary was born in 1957. It was known that the young girls mother was mentally disturbed, perhaps this is one of the aspects that led Mary Bell into the bloody path that she would chose. Bell was described by a court psychiatrist as intelligent, manipulative and dangerous. It was in 1968 that she was found guilty of killing two children. The victims that Mary Bell targeted were young and defenceless at three and four. Mary Bell was instituted and was released later in her adult life. It was said that she was 'reformed' and later had a child of her own. The public's shock and outrage since the killings that young Mary Bell performed died down over the twenty years that followed until the terrible day that little Jamie Bulger's life was taken, by two young children who knew the fate of the actions that they had planned.

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